可以控制Canon單眼的Android APP: DSLR Controller 提供最即時的相機、攝影週邊設備、影像器材等介紹、測試評鑑、與攝影技巧教學文章。 ... 可以控制Canon單眼的Android APP: DSLR Controller Chainfire開發團隊新推出了一款 ...
用手機控制的你的單反——DSLR Controller實測 - 攝影設備 - 香港矽谷 資源 教學 錦囊 網絡資源 其他 關於我們 加入我們 站內新聞 Android App RSS 聯絡我們 文字大小 ... 要用到的設備是一台佳能單反相機、一台支持OTG的手機、數據線若干以及最關鍵的橋樑——DSLR Controller ...
CamCap - DSLR Controller - appappapps.com 中文科技新聞資訊平台, 提供Apple, iPhone, iPad, Android 最新消息、實用教學影片及 Your smartphone is always with you, so why carry unnecessary stuff? Let your smartphone in combination with DSLR Remote be a remote control, a timer or a HDR controller to your digital reflex camera. Whether via infrared, by wire or via Bluetooth (new!),
不要再趴在地上拍了DSLR Controller實測(第1頁) - Canon單眼相機- Mobile01 無意中發現了DSLR Controller這個軟體用途: 開啟智慧型手機中的OTG功能,連接 相機(...
DSLR Controller :: Home DSLR Controller was the first and is still the best app to fully control your Canon EOS DSLR from your Android device, with nothing more than a USB cable.
DSLR Controller - Android + Canon EOS - LiveView - iPhone-HD.C.La - YouTube http://www. iphone-hd.c.la/ ... 10:58 Turn your Tablet into a Preview / Field Monitor with DSLR Controller for Android by Fotography by Greg 11,896 views 5:33 DSLR Controller App on Android Tablet (for Canon EOS Cameras) by...
Dslr controller apps - iPhone Download Dslr controller apps for iPhone. Reviews, screenshots and comments about Dslr controller apps like Pixel DSLR Shutter Controller, DSLR Camera Control iR, Remote DSLR Camera Control - Shoot with Sound and Automatic Trigger and more iPhone apps.
Dslr Controller Iphone - 影片搜尋
ioShutter lets you control your DSLR using your iPhone It looks like Triggertrap is getting some competition. Like that product, ioShutter is a remote-control app/device that allows you to control how your DSLR takes photos, via your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. The app allows a camera (which is hard-wired to
單反控制器(DSLR Controller) v0.83 for 蘋果iPhone 3GS - 安卓軟體下載 蘋果iPhone 3GS實用工具軟體 之 單反控制器(DSLR Controller) v0.83 for 蘋果iPhone 3GS,軟體介紹:DSLR Controller是一款可以允許用戶從Android智能手機或者平板電腦上方便舒適地控制Canon佳能EOS系列數位單